Category: Every day life
Making being grateful daily a practice
Are you grateful every day? It takes hard work and practice daily and it’s no joke. I didn’t used to be. I don’t know that I would say I am today. However I know that I’ve been working on it and find it easier to be in a good place were I can see the…
Keep a positive outlook every day
It takes hard work to keep a positive outlook but we can all do it with a little work. This can be tough in many ways. We’ve been conditioned to think about what we don’t have thanks to modern marketing. We want so much (marterial things) and we don’t focus on what we have. We…
3 Great tips for life
Good morning, it’s a beautiful Sunday morning and I am happy to be up and moving forward with my life. That’s what made me think of this blog post. Have you ever heard someone say “only boring people are boring”? There are so many things around us every day to do and explore. I currently…
Getting up to speed (again), mastering new skills
This has been a long time coming. I get good at doing something and then I loose focus. Creating habits is difficult. I’ve been through university a couple different times (multiple degrees) and still taking time to learn a new skill or master a skill I already have it a challenge. I spent years learning…
Monday update for the new week
So today is Monday and I like most Americans was back to work. I got up early to clean up some dishes and straighten up the apartment a little. Doing this helps me feel motivated and productive. I was able to break out some task and set my pace for the day. I think it’s…