The news cycle
It’s hard to get through a week with the current new cycle and all the drama coming from government officials. I actually turned off the new alerts on my phone because it was just to much. If we as ‘average Americans’ did any of these things we’d by fired or thrown in jail. However most politicians seem to have a get out of jail card. Hence politicians are a joke.
How should we deal with all this? Well let me tell you something. We are the ones who put them there and allow them to stay there. We as Americans should be outraged and should vote these people out of office. PLUS politicians should be charged with crimes. Charged just like you or me if we did some of these things we keep seeing in the news. The law should be applied equally. At least in other countries people know the politicians are on the take. Again politicians are a joke.
I think about how many people aren’t or don’t take responsibility or accountability in our workplaces. It’s the new norm that we don’t have responsibility or accountability. Those kinds of attributes in people start when we’re young. As children we learn or in most cases we don’t learn to be responsible and/or accountable. What’s that about? Why aren’t we teaching children and adults to be accountable or responsible?

Then this article comes out today about how Trump only paid $750 in taxes. Are you kidding me? Of course there are a lot of other rich people who have been able to get away with the same thing. He’s not alone in this skeam. It’s been reported that Jeff Bezos isn’t paying his fair share either. Fox Business reported in February that Amazon paid a tax rate of 1.2%. Click here to read the article. The tax code isn’t written to help the little guy. It’s written to aid the rich.
Somewhere after I’ll say World War II we lost our way and the rich stopped having to pay their share. Sure people and companies should make profit but it’s just gotten a little ridiculous. I’ve read that companies have more money in the bank right now then ever before. They’re just sitting on cash. How many of you can say that? If you can I want to be your friend. Check out this article about how much some companies have sitting around. Click here
If I had to guess I’d say lobbying came about or got bigger shortly after WWII. Then there was a change in how money came into Washington DC. I’m sure there was some other shady business going on beforehand too. Politicians that didn’t agree with how things were handled in or after WWI or WWII. There’s some people that took a page out of the mob boss hand book. Buying people off and using ‘influence’ over how policy was being made in Washington DC.
They make how much?
How many Americans do you think know what their Senators and House Representatives get paid? It’s a couple nickels more than most Americans. The run of the mill Senator or Representative make $174,000 per year. For those guys and gals that have fancy titles it’s even more. The median income for American households in 2018 was $63,179. That’s for the household. Not an individual, the household. Your Senator or Representative is making more than double what your average american household is making. Does that make you a little mad?
Not only that but do you think they have concerns over their healthcare. Of course not, they make sure they have a premium policy. While millions of Americans struggle to even get a High Deductible plan that’s really there in case of a catastrophe. It’s not there to help with preventative medicine.
In closing
Americans need to start taking an interest in what their politicians are doing for them. They need to start engaging the people voted into office and explain to them that they work for the public. If they don’t start to see improvements those people need to go and someone else needs to be given a chance to improve things for Americans. Don’t get me wrong I don’t think the Titanic is going to turnaround overnight. However there should be some clear signs of progress.
Pick up the phone and call (202) 224-3121 for the U.S. Capitol Switchboard. A switchboard operator will connect you directly with the Senate office or Representative you request. If you’re a little more tech savvy go to or to find your Senator or Representative in order to email or send a message via social media.
Demand improvements and talk to your friends and share how to contact your Senator or Representative. The more people expressing the displeasure or approval with what’s going on may make a change and they will start to take notice.
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