Category: Health
Status update
So I’ve been remiss on posting for a couple of weeks. I joined Weight Watchers and I’ve watched my diet. Last weekend I went to the grocery story and I found that my purchased was 90% produce. I am trying to keep everything out of the kitchen that would be ‘bad’ for me on the…
Forward Motion This Week
So this week the weather has been beautiful here in San Francisco. People would complain that it was too hot but after living in New Orleans it was mild. Having sun in my life I find makes a huge difference. I had thought that my vacation would be sun and warm weather but I chose to do…
Blue Sky May Be On The Way
So today I’m feeling better and I have to say that it makes a huge difference in life. I keep trying to focus on the positive and that helps. I read an article By Jae Song & Tina Su talking about Jae’s experience with a problem just like I had mentioned. She talks about how she moved on and 13…
Mondays … Why thou must be so difficult
Why is it that I’m never ready Monday for to come around? Sunday evening comes and I can never believe the weekend has gone and work starts the next day. For the last two weeks I’ve tried to watch what I’ve eaten and really eat smaller meals or in more moderation. I hadn’t been paying…
It’s about time to start working on new years resolutions I guess
So tonight I went to the gym. Anyone who knows me would never use gym in a sentence when talking about me. Well unless they say “Eric hates the gym.” That my friends would be the truest statement that has ever been made about me. Since after the stroke last year I’ve not really went…